Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Dave posted twice today on his blog so I have to keep pace with him.

The real EC Velo got together this weekend for all sorts of cycling shenanigans. Saturday members meet up at the Army Navy store mid afternoon, purchased beverages, and kicked it along the Eau Claire river until the sun went down. While Derek was using his sense of taste enjoying a fine loaf of banana bread, Magyar decided to use his sense of touch and smell by poking a suspicious looking dark matter on the bottom of his shoe and proceeding to smell it. Weed pocket and water bottle were having their differences as usual but managed to get along cordially for the evening. Andy retired his "ghost ride the whip" trick after completing it perfecting while Zacher watched in awe.
Sunday was fun day as Chris, Andy, Cayla and Eric make the journey out to Big Falls Co. Park. The ride out was demoralizing as 2o mph winds were making their presence known. There we no downhills on the way there, fighting the wind was a constant battle. We even got to meet up with some real live roadies as we bumped into Overdrive Cycling Club. EC Velo and the roadies pedaled together for a couple of miles without any incidents. A dead deer was spotted along the rode outside a local tavern that had expensive off sale beer. We then relished in the sun's rays for hours on the rocks at Big Falls, stopped at Gordy's on the way back into town and prepared a falafel feast.

EC Velo spring formal tomorrow night 7-?, no RSVP necessary, look snazzy.


  1. Wow, thanks for inviting me on Sunday. I had the whole day off.

  2. water bottle started it...
